Many people wonder what the allergies forecast is. When one is diagnosed with an allergy, it is usually a quite obvious period of time when symptoms can begin. The problem with the allergies forecast is that it has to be taken each day as the symptoms can change from one person to another. It is not always a sure thing.
The most important factor in regards to forecasting allergies is the immune system. If the immune system is weak then the problems can get worse. A weak immune system is often due to an allergen that has been discovered in the body. If there are too many bacteria present the bacteria can overgrow and lead to an infection.
It is possible to find out when the allergy season is starting by looking at the weather. If it is cold and wet then the allergies are more likely to be felt during this time. When the pollen counts go high and start to come down then the allergies season starts. There is also a lot of preparation going on before the allergy season starts. Many people will start cleaning their homes and air conditioning units weeks ahead of the time when the real allergy season starts.
The second most common way of getting an allergy forecast for the United States is from allergist websites and reports. Many websites have a section about allergies that will give a general overview of what to expect during a certain month. The general outlook is that more people will be diagnosed with allergies during January. With the increase of tourists in the United States and the various countries around the world coming to visit the states the risk of contracting allergies from other countries is also greater.
There are also several over-the-counter antihistamines that have been known to help control symptoms of allergies. If you are taking antihistamines and your symptoms seem to be under control then it is recommended that you take additional allergy shots that contain the same ingredients as the antihistamines. Make sure that you know exactly what you are taking because there are some antihistamines that can make allergies symptoms worse. Make a list of the different types of over-the-counter antihistamines that you have taken and have checked with your doctor to make sure that you are not allergic to the particular allergy shot that is being prescribed.
Many allergists use annual flu vaccines as a way of preventing the occurrence of allergic rhinitis. This is especially important in the winter months when climate changes make it easier for the occurrence of seasonal allergies. You should be immunized every year regardless of whether or not you have been exposed to a specific allergen. An interesting side effect of the annual flu shot is that it can help reduce the number of dust mites that can affect you. If you live in a high dusty area, you will want to consider purchasing a higher grade of allergy shot to cover the areas that you are most at risk of being exposed to dust mites.
Another way of reducing the likelihood of an allergic reaction during your allergy season is to avoid trigger foods. As with any food, there are certain foods that will spike your allergies symptoms up and others that will significantly reduce your chances of an outbreak. Gluten is a very common ingredient in food and should be avoided by those who are prone to allergies. You should also refrain from drinking any tap water because many people who are prone to allergies notice a significant decrease in their symptoms after they stop drinking tap water.
If you find that you are experiencing a high level of symptoms that you think may be related to allergies you should consult your physician. They will be able to determine if the symptoms you are experiencing are actually allergies or if you have a more serious condition such as hay fever. If you choose to take an over-the-counter allergy medication you will want to be sure that you follow the directions very carefully. This is especially true if the medication contains steroids. These types of drugs can cause side effects that can affect both your mental and physical health. If you notice a decrease in your allergies symptoms after starting an over-the-counter treatment, it is important to discuss the medication with your doctor so you can determine if it is appropriate for your specific case.