Taco Bell nutrition is important to watch because their fried food products contain high amounts of calories and fat. As a matter of fact, their fried foods, especially their seafood, are some of the most high in calories and fat that you can find out there. Their chicken is also very high in calories and fat.
But it is not just the fat and calories that are worrisome for your health when you consume Tacos Bell that you must also be concerned about. Another thing to consider is the overall nutritional information provided on the packaging. taco bell nutrition is not particularly great. Their beef is one of the worst you can get, while their shrimp and fish are okay. Their chicken is low in protein and also contains a significant amount of fat.
Now, let's look at all of that nutrition information together. They have 13 g carbohydrates, including five g carbohydrates and two g fiber, so they have a good amount of both, and there is some value here. But the problem is that this is in addition to about two hundred calories and counting, which means about two grams of fat and about half a gram of sodium. Now, what is considered the low-fat diet? Well, in the past two years the United States government has come up with a low-fat, low-calorie diet.
The new definition is about twenty-five percent carbohydrates, such as twenty-five percent of carbohydrates and fifteen percent fats. That is still way too high. But if you look at Taco Bell nutrition, it does not include any fruits, vegetables, or protein, which would be considered a healthy diet. It does contain a substantial amount of sodium, mostly in the form of a high-calorie salt. This is followed by a lot of empty calories, such as numerous flavors of frozen items, nacho chips, pretzels, and more.
Even worse is the fact that taco bell tops off its calorie count at nearly two hundred ten milligrams of sodium per serving. What is considered the low-fat diet? Well, two grams of dietary fat, which means almost one gram of carbs. And that is for a single serving! Now, this sounds like a great menu item but it is loaded with bad carbs, especially g carbs, which are notoriously bad for you.
To make matters worse, taco bell uses its carbohydrates to create its product and then serves it in massive amounts. A single taco can contain up to eight grams of carbohydrates, which is equivalent to eighty pounds of weight just from the carbohydrates alone! And this is all without taking into consideration the empty calories that go into the equation, such as those from cheese and other items. In other words, you really should stay away from this fast food restaurant unless you are having a catered affair.
The nutrition facts section on their website does not list any kind of sodium reduction information. The only substitute they give is to list "Reduced calories" along with the protein content. And while the nutrition facts state the calories of the products do not contain any artificial ingredients, it is impossible to eat all of these calories. They are present in even the most fatty foods, such as cheese. The only sodium reduction listed is from the presence of low-fat dressing.