If your cat is prone to scratching, an allergy for cats symptoms may develop when he or she scratches. You may have noticed your cat scratching itself repeatedly. It may scratch in circles or rub itself against furniture or walls. Scratching breeds stress the body and releases histamine, which can be the cause of your pet's allergic reaction.
It's always best to figure out what is causing the allergy before you attempt to treat it. Cats are not the same as dogs and most vets don't consider them a viable medical option. In fact, allergies are the number one reason pets get euthanized. There are several options for relieving your cat's allergies, but a vet should be consulted first for advise. The following are just some of the possible causes.
There are many allergens that can be found all throughout your house, so keeping everything clean and clutter-free is a good idea. Clutter can hold all sorts of mites, dust mites and spiders, that are not good for your pets. Also, certain pets have sensitive skin. This could include your cat. If he or she scratches itself too much, the affected area will develop blisters. This can easily be treated with ointments, lotions or sprays from a vet.
Food allergies can also be a cause of the symptoms. If your cat is eating something that he shouldn't be, it could mean that the food is the trigger. This can be easily treated by giving your pet a new, healthier dish or something to eat that does not contain that ingredient. Make sure that you know exactly what your pet is eating.
The skin can also be the cause of the allergies. If your cat has the classic signs of allergies, such as scratching itself too much, rashes or other symptoms, this could be a sign that something else is affecting his or her immune system. Instead of going to the vet, you should try some of the following tips. First of all, try to figure out why your cat is acting the way that it is. There might be a slight allergy that you did not know about.
If one of your pets seems to have allergic reactions, one of the first things to do is to make an appointment with the vet. In some cases, allergies for cats symptoms can be easily cleared up by simply changing the environment for your cat. Try to keep the house cleaner and less cluttered. If your cat seems happier and healthier this will also help with the allergies.
Some people believe that the symptoms are actually allergies themselves. This is especially true in cats that have been around cats that have been contaminated with fleas. The classic symptoms for allergies for cats may include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itching and watery eyes. These symptoms can be caused by a number of different factors, such as new chemicals in the home or a change in diet. In more severe cases, these symptoms could be caused by worms or even food poisoning.
If your cat is showing signs of allergies or has more than one specific symptom, then you need to take them to the vet. This is especially true if you notice changes in their behavior. They may have more of an allergic reaction than normal or they could have a more serious problem that they are not displaying any symptoms for. If you think that your cat's symptoms are allergies, then the sooner you take them to the vet the better.
There are some medications that can be used to treat cat allergies, but in most cases you'll need to find something to help with the symptoms. Antihistamines and corticosteroids are common medications that help reduce the allergies for cats. You can try using an over-the-counter allergy medicine to help calm your cat if it is having a difficult time sleeping or if it seems to be sneezing too much.
Many people do not realize that allergies may not be the cause of the allergies. Cats can be allergic to various things including fleas, food, flea bite hairs and even dust mites. It is important to try to determine what the source of the allergies is to see if removing the allergen can actually cure the cat allergies. In more extreme cat allergies, medications like steroids may be needed.
Most cat allergies are not harmful to the animal, but they can be very irritating to the cat and owner. If you suspect your pet has one of these allergies, you should visit your vet. He or she will be able to give the appropriate medication to relieve the symptoms. Symptoms of allergies may also include runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy ears and even rashes. If you suspect that your pet has one of these allergies, you should avoid contact with the allergen and consult your veterinarian. Keeping your pet indoors will also help to keep symptoms away.