Food allergies occur when the body's immune system wrongly identifies proteins found in certain foods as a potential threat. Because of this, some chemicals are introduced into the body which result in an allergic reaction. It is these chemicals that ultimately cause the actual symptoms of a food allergy. If left untreated, however, food allergies can lead to severe illness and even death.
Peanut and tree nuts are two of the most common food allergies. Many children have a food allergy to either one or both tree nuts and/or peanuts. A severe reaction may take hold if they are exposed to both tree nuts or peanuts at once. Overdosing on peanuts or tree nuts (especially peanuts) can lead to a life threatening high fever.
Tree nuts and peanuts are both protein rich and have a long chain of amino acids. They are also both rich in protein and have several essential amino acids necessary for human development. For this reason, they are frequently found in a person's diet. They are also often consumed in the form of powder, breaded nuts, salted or roasted nuts and meats. People with food allergies to both tree nuts and peanuts will often have a severe reaction to either protein or a combination of both.
Another frequent food allergies cause is lactose intolerance. This condition is also known as lactose-free food allergies. When a person has lactose intolerance, they have an intolerance to lactose, which is a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. The most common symptom of lactose intolerance is diarrhea. In the past, the only way to treat diarrhea associated with this condition was to introduce the product to the patient's diet.
Many people also suffer from food allergies to wheat and milk. People who have an intolerance to these two ingredients often develop a skin rash or hives. They may also get extremely sick over time. Some people who are unable to eat wheat or milk find that they are not able to tolerate most other foods and have trouble digesting most foods. Symptoms of wheat and milk allergies include diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, dizziness, tightness in the chest, tightness in the legs and inability to focus. Other symptoms may include tightness in the mouth, swelling of the tongue, and difficulty swallowing.
The second most common food allergies cause is peanut and shellfish proteins. These proteins are used heavily in the United States food industry, especially in chocolates and sweets. If you are having allergic reactions to these types of proteins, you may experience vomiting, dizziness, swelling of the lips, throat and nasal mucus, and nasal congestion. Allergic reactions to these proteins are serious and need to be treated by a medical professional.
Fish and tree nuts are also commonly reported food allergies. Tree nuts and peanuts contain inflammatory compounds known as allergenic compounds that can be harmful if consumed. Children with food allergies to tree nuts and peanuts may develop anaphylactic shock when exposed to these allergens. Anaphylactic shock causes swelling of the throat, chest and abdomen and can even be fatal. Children with a food allergy to egg whites may experience itching and burning of the eyes, nose and skin. Egg protein is also difficult for some people to digest.
Many food allergies and other conditions can have similar symptoms, such as depression, chronic fatigue, anemia, dizziness, rashes, muscle weakness and frequent bowel movements. These conditions are sometimes overlooked due to their similar symptoms. By using a combination of conventional treatments and dietary modifications, many people find relief from their food allergies and other health problems. Your doctor or allergist can advise you of treatments to help you live a healthier life.